Shipping and Returns

Please place an order with us by first registering as a member on our Site if you have not already done so, and then ordering via our online checkout process. As part of our checkout process you will be given the opportunity to check your order and to correct any errors. We will send you an order acknowledgement, detailing the products you have ordered. We may refuse to accept an order: when hard goods are not available or out of stock; when payment authorization cannot be obtained; if there has been a pricing or product description error; or if you do not meet any eligibility criteria set out in our terms and conditions. You represent and warrant that if you are purchasing something from us that any credit card information you supply is true, correct and complete; charges incurred by you will be honored by your credit card company; and you will pay the charges incurred by you at the posted prices, including any necessary shipping fees and applicable taxes.

For all software products the most current price is as shown. All software is delivered electronically--"Download only". Therefore no shipping is charged for applications and no discs will be shipped. For hard goods, we reserve the right to adjust shipping fees as necessary.

Due to the nature of our Site and products, we have a strict NO RETURN policy for all software products. No software product shall be able to be returned or refunded under any circumstances. If you are unsure which software product fits your specific needs, please contact us before purchasing so we may assist you. Nearly all of our applications have demos, you are strongly encouraged to try an application before purchasing. At our discretion, some hardware products may be able to be returned for an identical replacement should the hardware prove to be faulty during a limited amount of time after purchase.


a large quotation mark As always your speed and quality of service are second to none. NONE.

Je'Don Bagley