CineGear 2016 was our first time attending the LA show – and what a treat it was! The weather was nice and hot but the people were completely cool and friendly. You can expect to see us again at CineGear in the future! Check out our impressions of the show and see what we showed – LOTS of new things coming from Imagine Products this summer!
Let’s start with the picture collage above, this is a great representation what we saw and what we showed at CineGear. Top left corner; ProxyMill 5 is due out this summer and we showed it off at the Tech Awards banquet – that’s right, we think it’s award worthy! Left middle; Dan the demo man talking about ShotPut Pro Windows on the Surface tablet, imagine how much lighter travel can be with ShotPut Pro on a tablet… and now it’s possible! Bottom left corner; we always find a fun place to toast the end of the show and there was plenty to toast at CineGear 2016. Top middle; showing off our new pop up banners! Bottom middle; there were all kinds of neat toys running around the show. We ran into this guy a number of times, can’t wait to see all the footage of the show he got! Right; it was very cool to be on the Paramount lot. It was neat to get a behind the scenes look at all the different aspects of filming on a studio lot.
So what did we show? And who did we see?
ShotPut Pro This offloading application for Windows and Mac users offers security, reliability and continuity when offloading your assets. Offload from multiple locations,to multiple locations with naming conventions as well as checksums. Don’t trust your valuable content to finder or explorer! Learn more here.
HD-VU2 The perfect companion to ShotPut Pro! HD-VU2 is a native file viewer that instantly plays over 20 camera formats without transcoding. Add LUTs and sync external audio files for a complete quality check. Watch folders enable HD-VU2 to ‘talk’ to ShotPut Pro and pull in clips for viewing. Learn more here.
ProxyMill Transcode clips to shareable or editable files in just one step with ProxyMill. Burn in time code or a watermark as well as color correction for shareable files. Easily up-res to ProRes for editing as well as merge or stitch clips together. You can also make audio-only files for transcripts. Learn more here.
PreRoll Post Our LTFS archiving application can work with any LTO drive and Sony’s Optical Disc Archive. Archive your completed projects or dailies with PreRoll Post easily to multiple locations at the same time. Checksums deliver peace of mind that archives are 100% accurate and secure. Learn more here.
Roger Mabon stopped by the booth and talked to us about the archiving solution = PreRoll Post + LTO7 mTape. Watch it here!