News - Blog

Optimizing Your On-Set Workflow
Apr 20, 2023
The role of a DIT is constantly evolving and media management has become an essential part of on-set workflow. With cameras producing massive amounts of data, up to 40TB in a single day according to Jane Fleck, our recent Data Expert Series interviewee, it’s no surprise that data management is becoming increasingly important. Virtual Production […]
Alexandru Enache: Data Expert Series
Apr 12, 2023
Hello and welcome! First of all, thank you so much for being here. Before we get into the specifics of your set-up, could you give us some background info on how you got your start and some of your past experiences in the industry? Alexandru: I first started out doing data and DIT in 2010, […]
Jane Fleck: Data Expert Series
Mar 29, 2023
Hello and welcome! First of all, thank you so much for being here. Before we get into the specifics of your set-up, could you give us some background info on how you got your start and some of your past experiences in the industry? My professional career started in post-production, where I spent several decades […]
Adam Braverman: Data Expert Series
Mar 22, 2023
Hello and welcome! First of all, thank you so much for being here. Before we get into the specifics of your set-up, could you give us some background info on how you got your start and some of your past experiences in the industry? Adam: I’ve always wanted to work in the film industry. I […]
Tristan Mayer: Data Expert Series
Mar 15, 2023
Hello and welcome! First of all, thank you so much for being here. Before we get into the specifics of your set-up, could you give us some background info on how you got your start and some of your past experiences in the industry? Tristan: Hello and thank you for inviting me to be featured […]
Samuel Corbett: Data Expert Series
Mar 01, 2023
Hello and welcome! First of all, thank you so much for being here. Before we get into the specifics of your set-up, could you give us some background info on how you got your start and some of your past experiences in the industry? Samuel: Before my journey started in the TV/Film world I was […]
Imagine Products Data Expert Series
Feb 22, 2023
Imagine Products is excited to announce the start of our Data Expert Series! Throughout the year we will be featuring each of the talented media and entertainment professionals below, on a weekly basis, asking them questions about their experiences on set, what’s in their toolkit, and tips they have to share with others. For this series, […]
An Interview with Studio Ragheb About Their Upcoming Project “She Sings”
Sep 23, 2022
Recently Imagine Products, Inc® had the privelge of interviewing Studio Ragheb about their upcoming short film, “She Sings.” We got to learn more about its origins, the artistic process, and their workflow on this project when compared with their past work. Read on for the full interview! First of , I’d love to know […]
Filmmaker U Interviews Imagine Products’ COO Mark Hudgins!
Aug 03, 2022
Yesterday on August 2nd, 2022, our COO and lead engineer Mark Hudgins interviewed with Filmmaker U! In this interview, Mark and Gordon Burkell from Filmmaker U discuss file security, our workflow applications and how they work to prevent data loss or corruption, and the transfer process. To learn more about these topics, watch the interview on […]
Interview with CSIFF Founder Magaly Colimon-Christopher
Jun 17, 2022
Read on for a summary of an interview done with Magaly Colimon-Christopher, actress, writer, producer, and founder of the Conch Shell International Film Festival. Learn more about the beginnings of the festival, what is hopes to accomplish, and the realities of navigating the entertainment industry as a woman of color. “The Conch Shell International Film […]
At NAB: IABM’s interview with Mark Hudgins
May 17, 2022
At NAB, IABM, a non-profit trade organization, interviewed our Lead Software Engineer, Mark Hudgins. During this interview, Mark was given the chance to discuss Imagine Products®, our mission, and our goals as a workflow solutions company. The two applications Mark highlighted in the interview were ShotPut Pro and myLTO. ShotPut Pro focuses on safely and […]
ShotPut Pro’s Role in the Docuseries Bug Out
May 13, 2022
Earlier this week, CineD wrote an article featuring ShotPut Pro® and Imagine Products®! ShotPut Pro accompanied IMDb TV’s team when creating the Bug Out Docuseries. CineD conducted an interview with Bug Out‘s Director Ben Feldman, DP Jen Schneider, and Producer Marc d’Agostino. Bug Out Interview The interviewer asked: “Documentaries generate tons of footage. Can you discuss your […]
May 07, 2022
NAB 2022 has come and gone… and it was a BLAST! Team members Dan, Mark, and Jasper attended the convention this year in Las Vegas. Here’s a glimpse into the Imagine team’s Las Vegas adventure: NAB 2022 Recap Video Check out our blog series about NAB that detailed the history of NAB and Imagine Products®’s […]
Apr 05, 2022
Imagine Products, Inc.® is looking for Featured Creators! This means you. Yes, you! Featured Creators – Who are they? We wanted to start this new initiative in order to collaborate with creators that use our products in their projects. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a newcomer, this project is open for anyone to […]
Donation Campaign for World Central Kitchen
Mar 25, 2022
Who Are We Campaigning For? We are campaigning to raise donation funds for those impacted by the war in Ukraine and other nearby countries. Since Russia began its attack on Ukraine more than 3.5 million people have been displaced, primarily including women, children, and seniors. As a result, they fled from their home country and are actively […]
New ASC-MHL Guidelines and Our Role
Mar 21, 2022
Purpose Through the entirety of the production cycle, data files will be transferred numerous times and store a variety of media. It is not uncommon for a single file to have passed through several hard drives, gone up to the cloud and back again, and archived to tape for long-term storage. All of these transfer […]
Nov 03, 2021
Are you ready for Monterey? Imagine is pleased to confirm all of its current Macintosh applications are compatible with the new Monterey macOS. That includes our award winning software ShotPut Pro, so you can keep ‘Offloading with Confidence’. TrueCheck file comparison, PrimeTranscoder video processing and myLTO archiving are all as fast and reliable as ever. […]
Imagine Sponsors Copeland Studio’s WildWings
Mar 22, 2021
ShotPut Pro® is often used in the most extreme locations. It’s a trusted tool for professional videographers to preserve irreplaceable footage. That’s why we’re proud to announce our sponsorship of Copeland Studios for their next adventure. Departing April 2, 2021, the National Geographic team along with NASA scientists will explore Alaska’s Ruth Glacier. For up-close […]
Iditarod 2021 Trusts ShotPut Pro with the footage
Mar 08, 2021
For over a dozen years, ShotPut Pro has been the videographers ‘go-to’ choice of media management tools for the trustworthy offloading in rugged conditions. Sub-zero weather and snow aside, like any live event there isn’t much time to turn around camera media for the next day. That’s why the race video teams copy and organize […]
New 2021 Applications and Activation System
Feb 24, 2021
All of our current software has been given a brush up recently. From incorporation of latest camera formats to BigSur and M1 chipset changes, we’ve been working hard to provide state-of-the-art applications. You will also notice that the 2021 versions now offer more activation methods. Now you can use Apple or Google accounts, your Imagine […]
Jan 21, 2021
This month marks Imagine’s 30th anniversary! It’s amazing that a small company nestled in the media & entertainment industry has survived and thrived. Of course we’ve seen a lot of change over the years. Our humble beginnings started with a DOS video logger! We’re talking back in the day when most computers didn’t have […]
Nov 03, 2020
MacOS 11 (aka Big Sur) is expected to release this fall. It’s a BIG change. So much so Apple reached out to software publishers like us to encourage testing and updates of Macintosh applications earlier this year to help ensure a smooth transition. Because macOS-11 affects video processes and file handling it’s something you need […]